Friday, February 6, 2009

Pro-Choicers outraged? I doubt it.

How often does this happen?

I know many of you social liberals out there think the termination of a fetus is just a choice a woman should have the right to make. You know. Oatmeal or cereal, paper or plastic, fast food or sit down dinner, abort or give birth. But the newest choice in "family planning" (brains sucked out or suffocation) has really pushed the creative envelope; even for you.

Scenario 1
The mother starts into labor and if the Abortion Clinic doctor gets there in time he can turn the baby around while her head is still inside the mother, stick a sharp set of prongs into the base of the baby’s skull and vacuum out her brains. All the while the baby’s arms and legs are moving around as she struggles for life. Then suddenly her body goes limp. The doctor then removes the head from the mother’s body and throws the body into the same bag the Abortion Clinic owner used.


Scenario 2
The doctor doesn't quite get there in time for the abortion so he just cuts the newborn's umbilical cord and puts her into a plastic bag to suffocate to death. Saves the baby from the stress of a forcibly breached partial birth and (all in all) seems to be a more humane way of carrying out the mother's "choice."

What I would really like to know is whether you find anything wrong with the Abortion Clinic owner bagging up a new-born baby and throwing her into the garbage. And if you do find something wrong with it, why? Does the split second between pre-birth and birth make that big a difference to you?

I personally doubt that many true pro-choicers are genuinely outraged at what the owner did. If I'm wrong then I apologize (not really) but you would have to explain how these two real life scenarios are different.